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Acacia Lodge No 8 Celebrates 200th year of Freemasonry in Amherst

On Jan 11th, 2025 Freemasons from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI met at Acacia Lodge No. 8, Amherst Nova Scotia to celebrate 200 years of Freemasonry in what is now known as the Town of Amherst.

The day started with the Installation of the Acacia Lodge #8 Officers and the presentation of special Masonic Aprons for Masonic Lodges over 200 years old. These were presented by The Grand Master of Freemasons in Nova Scotia, Andrew Beeler, accompanied by Grand Lodge officers, Present and Past Masters.

A banquet was held later that day for Masons, Ladies and special guests. The head table was piped in by the Bagpiper of The Grand Lodge of New Brunswick, Scott Murray. A Roast Pork dinner was served by A.R.H.S. Students A VERY special thank you to, C.F.T.A. Radio 107.9 FM Amherst A.R.H.S. Students for serving dinner Trueman Farm for the delicious Ice Cream RW Bro. David White for all his Help

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