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Cornwallis Lodge No. 95

District - 
Halifax 2
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Reach us at

10 Dartmouth Road

Bedford, NS

Meets Monthly

3rd Wednesday

Meeting Times


7:30 PM





July and August


We are delighted to have you visit our online home. As a Masonic Lodge, we are part of a centuries-old fraternity dedicated to the principles of personal development, friendship, and community service. Our lodge is a place where men of good character come together to improve themselves and our community.

Come join us. If you are already a Mason, then please attend one of our meetings. If you are interested in learning more about Freemasonry or considering becoming a Mason, then we invite you to reach out to us to arrange a lodge visit or to ask any questions that you may have.

It was during the efforts to suppress the Stuart rebellion that Cornwallis became founder in December 1748, of a military Lodge in his regiment, the 20th. Foot, No. 63, on the registry of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The warrant was issued to Lord George Sackville, Lieut. Col. the Hon. Edward Cornwallis and Captain Milburne. When in 1759 this famous regiment gained new honors at the battle of Minden, that name was immediately adopted as the name of the lodge. The lodge ceased working about 1770 but was revived in 1812 and worked until 1819 when it became dormant until 1824.  A third slumber, lasting for eight years was terminated at Bermuda in 1844, but the lodge worked for only six years.  Unfortunately the warrant and all records and jewels of the Lodge were lost in the Indian Mutiny.  Cornwallis could not have had much part in lodge affairs, for as already stated he was seconded from active service within a few months and was succeeded by Major James Wolfe, who tradition tells us had previously been made a Mason in the Lodge of the 20th Foot.

Cornwallis’ second lodge was founded in Halifax early in 1750 or possibly earlier, under a “deputation” or dispensation from Major Erasmus James Philipps of the 40th.  Regiment at Annapolis Royal, Provincial Grand Master for Nova Scotia under Henry Price of Boston.  Of this lodge, known as the First Lodge, Cornwallis was the first Master.  It has continued without a break in its history and is now known as St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 1 “the oldest Lodge in the British Empire Overseas,” with a most notable history.

It was during his term of office as governor at Gibraltar that he became for the third time, in 1768, a founder of a third lodge No. 426 on the English registry in the 24th.  Regiment of Foot.

In Masonic circles his name was chosen for a lodge founded in Halifax in 1786, No. 15, to meet in Halifax and included among its members some of the most distinguished and honoured citizens of its day; but it surrendered its warrant in 1810. Cornwallis Lodge No. 95, Dartmouth, was founded in 1926, and carries on the name today.

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