DDGM of Lunenburg/Queens District R.W. Bro Keith Campbell will be hosting the Annual Curling Bonspiel in Bridgewater on March 8th. We may be a bit shy on teams and would like to invite surrounding Lodges to attend. We only looking for a few additional teams. Wondering if would be able to send the email below out to all the Lodges and hopefully a few may be interested in attending. Any questions they can contact me at this email.
Thanks very much.
Warm Regards
R.W. Bro. Derrick Coolen
District Secretary
Clarke Lodge #61
Chester N.S.
The Annual Lunenburg Queens District Bonspiel is but 5 weeks away on March 8.
It is held once again in Bridgewater. In order to schedule games we need to have your attendance information. Also, the entrance fee of $30.00 per player should be paid as well. I know Clarke will have 2 teams, Unity 2 teams, and PoWales/ Zetland 1 team plus extras. We need a minimum 8 teams to make a successful gathering. Please contact myself or Bro. Langford with your intention and also collect necessary funds in your lodge.
Remember, you do not need a full team to submit as we can make up teams. Also, this is a social event. You don’t need to play to attend and enjoy the Fellowship! Support your District as proceed will go to the District Project for equipment at South Shore Regional Hospital. Chili and Chowder will be served.
Also, I trust the Officers of Grand Lodge will also be entering a team to defend their standing of last year?!?
Sincerely and Fraternally,
R.W. Bro. Keith Campbell
DDGM, Lunenburg Queens